Saturday, 15 December 2012

OpenVPN Config file – How to understand it

Each VPN provider will provide you with a config file.  If you open this config using Notepad, then it will read something like this.

VPNBook- UDP Port 53 Client config file

- Client (You’re the client, not the server, so we’re off to a good start).
- Protocol = UDP  (UDP is faster than TCP, so this is the fastest form of VPN).
- Remote = VPNBook server – the port we connect on is Port 53
openvpn client config 7 vpnbook cert settings
-Resolve & retry = infinite = keep trying

-MTU = maximum transmission unit.  Consider packets stacked like suitcases in an airplane.  Each suitcase has a maximum weight and size.  This MTU confirms the maximum weight of each suitcase allowed – to fly with British Airways OpenVPN. :)

-Persist = keep trying
-CA = Certificate authority.  The .CRT file is their certificate.
-auth-user-pass = look for a password file (called password.txt)
-verb = verbose level.  How “chatty” the error messages are.
- cipher = AES 256
openvpn client config 7 vpnbook cert settings
So when you download the UDP Port 53 config file from VPNBook, that’s what the file is saying to your computer.

Line 1 – We are the “client”.

  • Client

  • device = tun.  Each VPN tunnel has 4 Devices.  2 are real IP, and the other 2 are virtual IP numbers.  If it’s not tun, it will read dev tap.

openvpn client config 1 client

Step 2 – Remote means the OpenVPN server

  • Protocol = is UDP.

  • If not UDP, the protocol would be TCP.
openvpn client config udp
  • remote (the server) and the IP/Port that we need to connect on

  • A setting to retry the connection (very handy if the connection fails, or we’re on a busy network)

openvpn client config 2 port of server

Line 3 – Persist and HTTP proxy settings (if they’re being used)

  • Persist

  • Http Proxyopenvpn client config 3 persist key

Line 4 -  SSL

  • SSL is the security for your Browser (Firefox or IE).

  • It checks the certificate (that’s a .crt file)

  • And uses a key for each client (that’s the .key file)

openvpn client config 4 SSL

Line 5 – Verify the certificate and SSL security

  • TLS is the newer version of SSL.

  • So this TLS-auth is about the browser security or SSL secret keys.

  • It’s also handy for stopping DOS attacks

openvpn client config 5 server certificate

Line 6 – 007 James Bond Spy keys go here

  • Cipher – server/client must agree on an encryption system – to encrypt your data.

  • AES 256 is very strong, unbreakable in fact.

  • comp-lzo = Allow compression.

openvpn client config 6 ciper key
Hopefully, when you get error messages now, you’ll understand what has gone wrong.
Eg if the error says TLS keys – that means the SSL key exchange has not happened in the time allowed – this would close the session.  The keys are needed to encrypt your message.  If it fails, OpenVPN won’t allow you to connect, as it’s unsafe.

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